Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hell yeAh "VomiT" movie Day

21st of Jan, is movie day..but is a sucks movie day!!! how sucks it is??? I was vomit during the movie which was showing half way.... DEngzzzzzzz.... I rushed to the toilet to vomit while the showed is only showed around 30mins.. wth!!!! the most ridiculous things is that, i vomit in the floor of the toilet.. at last i had to clean it up (i'm a responsible resident.. ^^) is really SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Total up I've vomit 3 times and lau sai 1 time.. @@

The movie is nice, is so funny...the Tooth Fairy is really a worth to watch movie... No matter how funny it is, I just have no energy to laugh out loud... 

My mama said may be i ate something wrong..the food that i ate cant matched.. zzzz.... so, Let's check it out what I've ate... ps: is really delicious (a restaurant at pj)..

opppsssss, the photo is copy from B's story...sorry ya, darling, i lazy to upload picture ler...hehe

                                               is so delicious..yummy~~~

                                             my look after vomit 2nd times..@@

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Over means is over

Mr.P saying that he intend to get back together.. oppsssss.. Miss N said: I don't have the mean to get back together... 

It's not the matter of who was hurting who before.. Over means is over.. Human is never look back what they've done, they will just keep moving forward.. agree???

So, the answer is "No".. 

*you just not appreciate what i'd gave, and now you saying that you're regret..

So, to all my friends and bloggers, do appreciate what you have..

Friday, January 15, 2010

nAked womAn coFFee shOp

GOSH!!!!!! is exam week.. but 2 paper down n 2 more to go.... ^^

I've visit naked woman coffee shop 2 times in a week.. naked woman coffee shop??? are u guys wondering what the hell i'm talking about?? hahaha..i think only my classmate know what i'm talking... hahah..that's Starbucks!!! Go starbucks on Monday and Wednesday... Thursday i got exam oo, morning paper some more.. ><>

Monday: caramel Machiato

Wednesday: Chocolate chips cream


Are you still wondering why i saying that Starbucks is naked woman coffee shop?? haha! Please refer to the following Starbucks logo: A woman didn't wear cloth, she just cover her boos with her hair!! haha!! get it?? cheerrrrssss~~~~ 

..........The best of LUCK to myself and for those who are having exam.............

*thx sen sen help me solve my blog problem..^^

Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm tagged again -- 无聊问答

1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的: Fik
2. 你们认识多久呢:Diploma 到现在
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:ok ok 咯!
4. 你与他(她)的关系是:朋友(也是喝酒kaki)haha
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何: '一把给你死'
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:吃东西吧?
7. 他(她)在你心目中是几分: 看心情


問 : 夏天去海边玩,看到比基尼辣妹会
答 : 看咯..

問 : 當你在更衣室沖水,门忽然被打开了你会
答 : 先喊, 然后马上关门! (自然反应啦!)

問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后,你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了,你会
答 : 看啦!

問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : 叫朋友载咯。

問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝,泳衣你会買吗
答 : 以我喜欢买东西的个性,应该会买gua..

問 : 会用防晒乳吗
答 : 当然!

問 : 回去时,发现有其他遊客手机沒拿,你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : 我哪里知道..

問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : 超喜欢海边!!它给我一种很舒服的感觉,让我忘掉不开心的事..

問 : 看到镜子,会不由自主的向前吗
答 : 会,看看脸上有没有暗疮..

問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : 当然..

問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : 我自己eh..hahaha..我常说自己漂亮的eh...

問 : 有人说该減肥了,你会
答 : 从来都没有人说..只有我自己会说吧.. ><

問 : 自恋,適合你吗
答 : 满适合的吔...

*你常笑吗: 是的
*你喜欢去哪兒玩: 有水的地方--海边..我超喜欢海上活动..
*去玩时喜欢一个人去吗: 不喜欢!! shopping 就可以啦,没人kacau我.. ><
*如是假日时你都睡到几点: 1-2pm 吧..看那天有没有节目咯..
*今天的天气如何: 阴天,满喜欢凉凉的感觉..
*朋友和情人你会选择: 两个都要可以吗?不懂怎样选!
*机会和命运你会选择: 机会.. 命运好像被操纵,不喜欢..
*你很自恋吗: 会咯..为什么一直重复??
*你有穿过耳洞: 有
*你交过几个男(女)朋友' 普通朋友: 什么又男朋友,又普通朋友?? 男朋友交过两个咯..都分手了啦..
*你有呛过老师吗: 好像有eh..刚读中学时,还满叛逆的..


1. wein yap
2. lik hei
3. christian
4. louis
5. irene
6. kok leng